
Just another day in paradise

We are expected to "maybe" have temp's above freezing today....woooo hoooo.....That is enough to get me pretty excited about life. Even though the flip flop, tanning, pedicure days are still too far away to start counting, I will get excited about less icy streets, and not freezing my butt off when I go outside.

Nothing exciting has happened in my life lately. Is my blog boring to you? Because I am bored with my life. Dru and I both sit around and say that we are bored on a regular basis, and then I start to think off all the "not fun" things we could be doing and then get even more bored and feel old. It is like when my mom used to tell me if I was bored she could give me a chore list.....I don't want to do chores, and if cleaning a bathroom is what it takes for me to be unbored, then count me out.

I have been going to the gym recently, which is a good thing. It makes me feel better, and hopefully means that all those cute jeans that are in my closet and no longer fit my fat butt will fit soon. I also have access to a personal trainer for FREE. Now that is good news. And I can't wait to start. She is a client of ours at the marketing company that I work for, and she is offering her services for ours. And my boss is always traveling, which means that I am the one who gets to take advantage of getting my butt kicked by a super fit mom of 2 who runs marathons and cool stuff like that. I am pretty sure that she did an iron man or something like it. She is awesome.

Sorry for boring you. Hopefully I will have something exciting happen to talk about.

1 comment:

  1. my dear u are never boring. i love reading your words. yes chores are no fun, but a personal trainer go for it. love ya mom.
