

I did not have a lot of time to do anything yesterday. Since I was out and about for work. When I have to get all dressed up and fancy, it makes me appreciate my "work at home" clothing so much more. I feel the pain of the people who have to get up at a certain time each morning in order to get ready for work, make lunch and get out of the house to commute to the work place.

I am almost positive that my laundry would never be done. My house would be in a state of unclean a lot, and I would be frantic. But working from home allows laundry, cleaning and well catching up on Tivo'd shows to be done during the work day when there is a down second.

Our little family is doing well. "The" Captian, or "Captian Stan" or just "Stan", is adjusting to life here at our house and little (who we have realized is not so little anymore) Molly is adjusting as well. They chase eachother around the house a lot. Stan slept with us, as did Molly for some of the night, when she decided that Stan was not going to kill us all in our sleep and she could close her eyes and rest. Molly makes weird noises at Stan, but hopefully that will pass.

I decided that Stan needed a bath today. BAD IDEA. Kitty's don't like water. I mean duh, I knew this. But still Stan did NEED a bath. So I got everything prepared. Stan got the bottom half of his body wet. I got really wet, and scratched, and bloody. And the bath was done. None the cleaner than when we began, but drowned rat like and not happy, we did survive a small dipping in water.

I guess that Stan will just have to clean himself :)

The frozen tundra, is just that. Frozen. Still. And we are expecting rain. What is rain when it freezes you ask. Well ICE. Yes, ice does not sound like fun at all. So I think that tonight, I will drink wine, cuddle with my family and not go outside. Since my computer is flashing a winter weather watch for BAD weather. And maybe power outages. Which would NOT BE COOL....So keep warm positive thoughts, that my power won't go out. And that it will be warm soon.

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