The Perfect Halloween Costume?
So what pops into my head? Well it is Halloween, and I don't really have a costume. So I could wear my adult diapers and be an old woman, or even a small child. The possibilities are endless!!!
We still need to get more candy, because I don't think that we have enough, and I already got my first Trick or Treater. Yeah, it was Bella my bosses super cute 6yr old dressed as a leopard. Her mom is fantastic and made her costume, and he brought her over to show me.
Dru has a cold, I think. I am hoping that it is nothing serious and he will feel better after the nap that he is presently taking. And the time changes tonight, so hopefully he will get more sleep before work in the morning.
Happy Halloween
My husband does not seem bothered by the rain. At this moment he is outside BBQ'ing. Yes that is right, BBQ chicken in the rain. Because you can take the Californian out of California, but can't take our need to BBQ at all times of year away from us. So I think he is crazy, but if that is what he wants for dinner he is not going to let a little rain stand in his way.
We will have to see if when it is -40 outside, if he still craves BBQ...
Off to my meeting in the rain, and I don't even like to drive in rain just for reference.
I hope that there is wine at this meeting, but I am not going to keep my hopes up because it is being held at a Church, and since I have not been to church in a while, I am not sure if God frowns upon things like drinking and such.
"didn't Jesus turn water into wine"????????/
Crisis-Halloween Costumes
Well I don't! And it is not like I am doing anything other than passing out candy, but it would still be fun to have a costume. I remember back to the days of college where any thing would work as a costume. My roommate dressed up as a Zebra?? I think, and vaguely remember her running/walking/galloping down Cuesta Drive making really weird noises...Because that is what Zebras do right? Or when any sort of bra/top that made your boobs look fantastic and some short shorts were a costume. Because you have to put "sexy" in front of everything on Halloween when you are in college. For example "sexy firefighter", "sexy Pilot" you get the point.
And for reference I am not saying that I want to go nakedish for Halloween (except Dru did mention he wanted to be a nudist......??? That might scare the kids away) I am just saying, what do 23yr old married women with no kids and no party in the frozen tundra dress up like????
Girls at Cal Poly would freeze their exposed parts off if they went traipsing out like that here (gosh I would NEVER wear a slutty costume (hopefully there is no evidence of my college days?)
Maybe I just won't dress up at all....
The good news is that it is not snowing here (yet) like it is in CO, WY and all those states that are a little west of us. We are supposed to have Thunderstorms tomorrow. I didn't think that thunderstorms happened when it was so cold, but I guess that I have a few things to learn still.
No word on the house today...
Happy Wednesday!
Peace and Quiet-and Petit Soleil
Mainly I was an ASS...Yes that's right I will admit it. I think that I even apologized 2 times, and I don't even like to say that I am sorry ONCE. So twice should mean that I really care and I am sorry that I was an ASS!
So Dru, when you get home from work at some ungodly hour and I am in bed, please know that I am still sorry. Because I know that you read my blog, because you knew that I bought more Halloween Candy and then searched and found it and ate it, and also hid it around the house just in case I was NEVER going to give you a piece. You are a weird one, but I still love you.
Basically, I was sitting here at my desk thinking about how quiet it is at my house right now, and that my boss called me from Splash Cafe...Yes that is right, he is in SLO with his wife and I am not! I even booked them a room at Petit Soleil the bed and breakfast (when I say booked, I mean I did all the work, not that I am paying for it...he is my boss and all) The people at Petit are super nice, and I am really jealous, and wish that I could be in SLO. But NO, I am in Minnesota, working, where it is 54 degrees and windy, really windy...All the leaves that I raked are BACK. Why did I even bother? I don't know, but now I am frustrated. Maybe I will go do that again, because all this peace and quiet is making me ramble.
Maybe I will have to make myself really nice appetizers and drink wine tonight, so I can pretend that I too am staying at Petit and am in San Luis Obispo...One can dream right??
PS. House appraisal is done, NOW MORE WAITING......
House Update
Her message was rambling, about how she was confused that I was the contact because I was the buyer, and why did I live there already and such. Okay lady get to the f'n point, you would like to appraise our house, and could I please call you back. Simple as that, I don't need your life story about how your mother was ill yesterday and that is why you are calling blah blah blah.....Just schedule the damn appraisal.
So I called her back. Apparently they are not in at 7:45am because, they work late. I don't know. But She FINALLY called me back this morning, and our house is getting appraised TODAY and we are moving forward in the never ending process of buying a house.
Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well, and the appraisal lady is not as crazy as she sounds on the phone. Or actually, hoping that she is, because then we would have something in common (crazy) and then she might like me.
Shoot, does that mean that I need to get showered and dressed today? I mean, everyone wears sweat pants, and a bathrobe and fuzzy socks to work right? And the fact that my hair is slightly on the greasy side should not matter either.
Okay I have just talked myself into a shower, because who am I kidding, that is gross!
Happy Tuesday
Halloween Thief
Molly, and Mommy Blogging??
I gave her a treat, after I tortured her and tried to brush her teeth-That was a good idea, NOT!! I was peacefully trying to watch the rest of The Amazing Race, and she wanted more treats, Since I FINALLY found my camera battery charger, I took a picture, because well I am striving to be one of those "mommy bloggers" (Just Kidding), but since I don't have a kid, and I am blogging about my cat, maybe I am surfing on thin ice with that one.
More about Mommy Bloggers later..........
Currently my "child" is walking across my desk wanting attention, and I need to go back to work.
Husbands and Fathers
My mom buys Halloween candy for the nonexistent Trick or Treaters in our tiny little town, because I think that she has a glimmer of hope that just maybe she will get one or two cute little kids that come to her door. She usually purchases this candy in advance of the holiday because my mom and I are a lot alike and we plan ahead....Now the only problem with this is OUR HUSBANDS!!!
Yes, my dad eats the candy before Halloween and usually leaves wrappers places instead of putting them in the trash. He has done this since I can remember, and Dru DOES THE SAME THING....
What is it with men, and their inability of putting wrappers in the trash? Or realizing that the Halloween candy is for the Trick Or Treaters, NOT for them to eat before the holiday!! ( I just went to Target and bought more, and I am HIDING it until Saturday :)
Another weird trait that these two men share?? The think that they are Dr. Doolittle.....My dad talks to our animals like they can respond, or they are talking back to him....Dru DOES THE SAME THING....
Dru thinks that Molly the kitty is a human being, and she has needs and feelings and she can hear what he says. When she bites or scratches me on the face and I curse and yell, he tells me to "be nice" she can hear you!! Well What the F?? No, she is an animal, and I AM BLEEDING, FROM MY FACE...She is in BIG trouble and I am not being nice.
Dru also built Molly a fort the other day. Yes you read that right, a fort! He rearranged the couch cushions and put a blanket over them so Molly could have a fort. We also have a HUGE kitty scratching post/house in our living room that is somewhat of an eye sore, and I am thinking about moving it to the basement. I think that Dru would disagree, and it would be back in the living room because "she needed it"...Freaking Dr. Doolittle :)
I will be watching Dru for his evolution into My father, and if starts sleeping in a recliner and snoring VERY loudly, or feeding the cat/dog ice cream from his own bowl I will have to have an intervention. Because I can think of SO many other traits that my dad has that I would rather Dru adopt
Happy Sunday!
Friday-Finally....or is it Finally Friday?
Over here in Minnesota we don't have the typical grocery stores that we are all familiar with in California, or wherever you grew up. There are no overpriced Albertson's (personal opinion), Safeway's or Von's depending on if you are north or south in CA...Okay you get the point, and is it sad that I can't think of anymore stores? Remember it is Friday!! But we do have a store called Mackenthuns http://www.mackenthuns.com/ Yes I put the link just so you don't think I am making up this really random name just for the sake of having a weird store....
Well the point of this story is that Mackenthuns has this thing called "dollar days", where items that people love and cherish are only $1.00, Items like Pizza rolls, Ice Cream Sandwiches, soup, Cheese...Okay you get the point, and probably realize that we don't eat so healthy around here sometimes????.
So Dru and I decided that we should probably check this deal out, because dollar days sounds pretty cool, or well we thought so. We went to the store after I got done with work yesterday, because dollar days only happens a few times a year and for like 1 or 2 days. I always knew that going to the grocery store at 5pm was a bad idea, but I forgot-or lost my mind...you pick.
The parking lot was FULL, which should be a good sign that the store was also full, but we still went in. Dru forgot to tell me that he was really hungry until we got into the grocery store, and we all know that shopping while hungry leads to unnecessary purchases, because well...everything sounds good!
This place was a ZOO...I wish that I had a camera, or well I wish I could find my camera charger since it has been missing for a while now, and I could have taken a picture of all these Minnesota mom's shopping for great deals on Cheese, pizza rolls and such :)
Well we survived, the line to check out was SOOOO long, and of course we came home with cheese and pizza rolls...Because who does not love both of those items???
I just remembered it is FRIDAY, and I should probably be working instead of blogging...so back to work, for now!
Happy Almost Weekend!
Family-and Blogging
I am very aware that a lot of people close to me read my blog and I am more than happy to share with you my life, as well as Dru's life sometimes. (well not everything, you have to keep somethings to yourself) but I do feel that it is a great way to keep connected when we are so far away in Minnesota.
Please let me know that you are reading, just so I know...Weird request I guess but it is just nice to know who I am talking to when I feel like I am talking to myself because writing has become an escape for me.
Thanks! And Happy Thursday-we are that much closer to the weekend.
1. There was/is no doubt in my mind that I love/ed Dru before we got married, and I am pretty sure that if something goes wrong with him (new furnace, leaky plumbing(hopefully not till he is old, but well he has depends so it does not matter), new roof, etc...It won't cost us a fortune to fix him. But well if something goes wrong with the house, it is OURS, and our responsibility to fix. I obviously stress about things, if you can't tell.
2. The wedding was planned for about a year and a half, and our wonderful mothers did A LOT of the planning for us (THANK YOU)...We decided to buy our house a week ago, and need to close by the 16th of NOV...For those of you who don't want to do the math, ONE MONTH....
3. The wedding was graciously put on by and paid for by family, because they love us...The house is our money, and well if you know me, I am a little cheap and I stress about things like that.....
4. I watch way too much TV. And "Say yes to the Dress" just made me cry because weddings are so happy and emotional... ALL of the shows on TLC or HGTV about home buying make me want to crawl into bed and cry and make me want to break out in hives. They are all about doing the right thing, or not getting screwed with your first home purchase. AHHHAHAHAH
So moral of the story. I would get married over and over and over again because it was the happiest day of my life.
Buying a home freaks me out, so support is greatly appreciated.
Yay for it being Thursday. Grey's is on tonight, and I see myself actually getting motivated and going to the gym.
Product Samples, and NO HEAT
What do you when you are bored, and it is cold, and you have a laptop and TV recorded to watch when you don't have to go to work??? Well if you ask Dru, the answer to that is simple. You order FREE samples online. Now if you know me and my love of getting mail, I would not be against this habit of his...I confess that I have also done it before so it is not that I am criticizing what he did.
It is WHAT he received in the mail today that I am concerned about, and a little bit disturbed.
Here is the setting for this
Dru yelling from upstairs "Mail's HERE"
Me: Super excited because I think that I have gotten something cool, and well it is only 1pm and the mail came. Gosh, that is a miracle in its own since the mail does not usually come until 3pm. Run up the stairs to check out the mail, because SURELY I have gotten mail, I ALWAYS get mail.
Dru: A huge grin on his face. "you did not get anything, but look what I got".......Holds up a package of DEPENDS diapers for adults.....Check out my free sample :), don't worry honey I registered you for a pair too!!!
O wow, he is a weird one. But that is one of the reasons that I love him, Right???
Now to the second part of this blog, that has gotten pretty long, and I should be working.
NO HEAT! Yes you read that right, we live in the frozen tundra and I survived last night without our heater running. We had our home inspected yesterday so we can go ahead with the buying process, and the inspector had some pretty bad news.
"Your furnace is broken!!!!, there has been a crack in it, it is REALLY REALLY old and there are DANGEROUS, DEADLY levels of Carbon Monoxide that could have been seeping into your house, and well you could of passed out and died"!!!!
Imagine my face, and the shock that he told us not to use it. Me not use my heat?? Recall previous posts about snow, and realize that I am from CA, this truly is not happening in my house...
I survived thankfully...With LOTS of wine (come on Kristen, you know that I could not post without mentioning WINE). The new furnace arrived around 10am, and is STILL being installed. Gosh is he done yet? I just want heat. Okay it is really not that cold here lately (50's) but still. I love my heater.
Long story short, we are still purchasing the house, the furnace got replaced, I drink too much wine, and Dru is WEIRD...
Maybe I could drink a lot of wine and wear my depends so I did not have to go to the bathroom from all the liquid that I drank? Just a thought :)
Happy Tuesday!
Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I most definitely did NOT tell the man at the Mexican place how to make my burrito 2x this week, because that would make me a fatty.
I did NOT enjoy the burrito so much better the second time. You have to be forceful.
I most definitely did not sleep in past 10 both days this weekend, and then press the snooze button 2x this Monday morning because I did not want to wake up.
I did NOT, would NOT go to the store just for wine in my PJ's and slippers. Me, Never??
I Do Not, DID not become obsessed with blogging!! And I most definitely DO NOT blog way too much, and then read it over his shoulder when my husband is reading my blog, just to make sure I didn't say something I shouldn't have :)
Yay for Monday!
Sleeping in, the day should not start until 10am!
So in my do good activity of the week (well technically year, since it is not until next August) I have joined the Relay for Life steering committee. I am really excited to be involved in such a great event and think that it will be a great way to focus my skills and meet people. It is Aug 20th in Waconia, MN. If you want to participate :)
My mother and grandmother will be gracing Minnesota with their presence for the Thanksgiving holiday, and I just learned that we are proud owners of Vikings/Bears tickets for when they are here. If you know my grandmother, you know that she is a huge Vikings fan, and I am really excited that we are able to do this for her. And well if you know my mom and I, we might be selling our tickets outside the Metrodome, and going shopping somewhere???? Just a thought, since we both are not football fans. I wonder if they serve wine at games, since I don't drink beer anymore.
Well since crawling back into my bed is not an option, I should probably get back to work!
Sundays in Lazyville
Lazy Saturdays
Housing Update
Well I have decided that I don't have time to do that stuff, so Dru's new job today-before he goes to his other job at 5:00 on a Friday and won't be home until 10pm (uhg I am frustrated about that, it is the weekend, well MY weekend, and he has to work when I am celebrating MY weekend beginning). Paperwork and shit sucks, who knew that a 30pg document is a "purchase agreement" and most of the words and stuff in it are things that we don't understand.
I am crossing my fingers that while I am down in the basement working, he is being all guruish and solving all of our home buying adventures. But since I hear the TV and know that he is still in his comfy clothes, I am not going to get too excited.
11am sounds like a good time to eat some lunch before my REALLY busy afternoon of working :)
Grey's Anatomy and Thoughts
Home Owners!!!
Just writing all that makes me excited, nervous and more and more like a grownup every day :) I can't wait to decorate, paint and make this house ours, but that will have to wait a little while. Wish us luck!
PS the weather man here is smoking crack-and when white stuff is falling from the sky it is most definitely SNOW not "just raining". I am pretty sure I am smart enough to know that there is snow on the ground for the 3rd time this October.
Buying a house here, is more job security-since my boss is convinced everyday it is cold that I am going to pack up and move back to California-haha we are here for GOOD now :)
Bikes, Mortgages, and The Finger Trick
We *might become first time home owners. We are meeting with a mortgage broker this afternoon with our million documents that are necessary when you want to buy a house. It is a scary, overwhelming thought but comforting all at the same time. Owning a house would allow us to do WHATEVER we want with this place and that is so exciting to think about. Of course the things that I want to do are more "large" then we can afford. But a little paint can go a long way, and keep me occupied during the cold winter months!
Do you watch the "Big Bang Theory" on CBS? Well if you don't you probably should start. And if you did watch it on Monday (yes I am aware that this is Wednesday) but we DVR and did not watch it until last night, watch for the finger trick that Rajj does to Sheldon! I don't know if I have laughed harder watching my husband try to contort his fingers in ways that they didn't want to go, and him realizing that he can't do a "really cool" trick that I can do so easily. Most people are probably wondering what the hell I am talking about. and well I don't have a picture and don't know how to explain it with words or without showing you, and a YouTube video is out of the question since I am still in my bathrobe (no judging, I work from Home) because it is warm and snuggly...
I will take pics of our super cool bikes once I find the charger for my camera :(
Yoga, the mail man, and other random Tuesday thoughts
For those of you that know me well, I don't usually have a lot of patience, for anything. And if you were part of Friday before the wedding's Yoga lesson with Shannon, you know that I am not so coordinated. So why have I agreed to go to Yoga tonight with my new friend I met last week? I am sure to embarrass myself, but at least it is exercise and social activity-I will update you tomorrow if I still have a "new" friend, after tonight's debauchery of Yoga that is sure to happen.
Kitty Pooping House
Sunday Funday?
Snow-In October???
I bit the bullet last night and went to a Women of Waconia Area Event. I felt like it was sorority recruitment all over again and I was so nervous. I got ready with way too much time to spare, drank wine to ease my anxiety and straightned my hair to perfection.
I arrived early, because I ALWAYS arrive to things early, and the women were so nice and inviting and offered to "Liquor me up". I knew that this was the beginning of a great friendship. We snacked on appetizers, drank wine and chatted. Granted I think that I was the youngest one there, that is fine, a friend is a friend...
Hoping that my new friends call me and I even found a new gym partner who is married with NO kids, and is probably about my age :)
Space Heater
For now I will go back to freezing my butt off, working in the tundra that is my office until Amazon ships my space heater that I have been shopping for this morning because concentrating on work is hard when you are cold.