
Happy New Year

Last night I was trying to figure out what I did for New Years. And I could not think of it for the life of me. No idea, nothing, zilch......Let me remind you that I am 23 and should not, I repeat should not, be losing my memory.

Maybe it was the bottle of wine that I was drinking because I was "unwinding" after a very stressful week....okay whatever, does not matter what it was....I remembered!!!! This morning as I was writing this post.

New Years on Jack's ranch in Bakersfield Ca, was so much fun. I thought that I was going to freeze to death and DIE......but wow was I wrong, and didn't know I would move to the frozen tundra and it would be much. much colder here...

Last year held so many new and exciting things for Dru and I. We we on the home stretch of being married.

January-March-No idea what we did...Nothing too exciting except I survived living with you know who, and am not in jail for killing her....so that will be the highlight of those 3 months :)
(*MY BLOG, I can say whatever I want*)

April-I got my new job. I was no longer working part time at a dance studio (even though I did love SOPA a lot) I was a full time employee with a REAL job, where I was actually using the degree that I got in college. Hmmmmmm not too often does that happen. So I am pretty stoked about it.

May-We pack up all of our stuff and leave the Central Coast for the unknown in Minnesota. Wow, what an adventure that was.

June-Aug-I try not to get eaten alive by a trillion misquitos while enjoying the beautiful summer with a few random tornado scares thrown in for good measure.

Sept-FINALLY wedding. Wow..so much fun...

Oct-It snows. Enough said. Snow in October. What the F are we in for now???

November-Turkey Day with my mom and grandma. It is warm, and tons and tons of fun.

Dec-We buy a house. In the Frozen Tundra.

So that is basically my crazy 2009 review. Lot's of changes. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us.....


Maybe if they are of the four legged furry kind :)

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