
I've Joined the Mile High Club

Okay Honey Calm Down (this is directed at Dru, since I know that you are probably reading this and you just got done from work).....

The mile high club of having Internet in the air.....I mean! Not the "other" mile high club.

I am currently over some state on my way to FL all weekend. And I am using the bosses Internet password. Pretty cool to have Internet on the plane if you ask me. I can get all kinds of things done up here...

For example-I have facebooked, checked blogs, checked email.......................But I really should be working.

So hello from the NEW mile high club. This girls gotta get back to work now.

Dru I miss you, and Molly and Stan! Be good while I am gone.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie - I completely forgot you were in MN too!! Did you input your info at www.locationcentral.blogspot.com? I think we're even having a blogger get together next month!!

