

My mom reminded me of something the other day that I think we all should recognize. I don't know exactly who said it, or the exact words but I now have this posted in my office. 

Happiness shouldn't be just a final destination, it should be a way of living life. 

This couldn't be more true! I've been making some changes in my life and I am so excited for the whole journey and have promised to take more time to "smell the roses". 

I've been consistent in my weight loss and eating healthy and running, spending more time volunteering and focusing on others, working on our marriage and connecting with Dru more often (I haven't always been the nicest person), resigning from my job and looking for something that truly makes me happy, and to top it all off - seeing friends I haven't seen in a long time. 

I can't wait to spend time in California this weekend and reconnect. I can't believe that it has been almost 2 years and I am SO ready to celebrate a beautiful wedding and spend time in the city with 2 of my favorite ladies. 


A New Day

Everyday that we wake up we have the opportunity to seize the day, or let it be the same old, same old. I've decided to seize the day, each and every day from now on. The question that you probably have, and one that I have been asking myself a lot lately, "Why haven't you been doing this all along?"

I'm happy, and I will never again accept not being happy. Life is short, way too short to wake up each and everyday with nothing but the promise and drive to let TODAY be that day, the day that you decide or at least realize that you deserve to be happy. 

I know that I am being vague about what is going on, but I assure you that things are all good in the neighborhood. Dru and I are still VERY happily married, and I love waking up with him each and every day. Stan and Molly are doing fantastic, and I am getting ready to lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement before the rest of the day begins. It is a cool 65 degrees here this morning and I have an urge and a need to run, and run fast. 

So ask yourself this question "Am I Happy?" If the answer is "NO!" Please, for your sake and mine, do something about it!